I know we don't all celebrate or even acknowledge the birth of Jesus at this time of year, but I come from a family and culture of Catholics and we not only celebrate, but we prepare for the coming of Jesus at this time of year we call Advent. It is a beautiful time in our faith and I am filled with feelings of blessings and thankfulness.
Because my family and I have had some challenges lately, I have been feeling a bit down on and off. But today, the fog is lifting, and I feel called to take stock in the amazing things in my life. I see how I need to keep my focus on all that has been gifted my family and I so I can keep from taking them for granted. I need to keep life in perspective in order to truly care for the great gifts of life as I should.
So, in the spirit of this Holy Season, here are some of the many parts of my life I'm thankful for:
A God who loves and forgives me beyond all measure.
An amazing husband who is an amazing partner in parenting and my best friend in life.
Children who teach me to love even in stressful moments, and who have graced my life with joy and laughter and more love then I ever imagined was possible.
A family of people who love me through thick and thin unconditionally just because we were born or married together in this crazy journey called life.
Local friends who are here for me even when I'm not necessarily emotionally available to them on a regular basis. It is awesome to know that there are people who care about my family and I and whose company I enjoy year round!
A business that is incredibly rewarding to own. With a daily chance to make a difference on this planet, I have found the fulfillment of teaching without the papers to grade!
And last but not least, a family of online friends who both surprise and amaze me almost every day. Your resources, your ideas, your spirits, your love, your humor . . . you all brighten my day and open my mind to things it would otherwise take me a lifetime to come across.
Thank you, and thank the Lord. And, if you celebrate, Merry, Merry Christmas!
Love, peace, and blessings to you all,
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